- Manage transitions and medications when discharged from hospitals or rehab facilities
- Translate medical terminology re: treatments and options to the patient and support system
- Review medical history prior to doctor's appointments
- Ensure that concerns, facts, and questions are effectively presented to each physician
- Communicate with all your physicians and specialists to ensure continuity of medical care
- Create and keep current a timeline of medical conditions, treatments, and medications
- Reconcile medications for appropriate dosages and interactions
- Discuss risks and benefits of recommended tests and treatments
- Search for current treatment protocols, research trials
- Anticipate and circumnavigate potential health problems
- Assess home environment, make recommendations for safety and supportive devices
- Coordinate and supervise home health nurses, therapists, and caregivers
- Case management
- Provide family counseling and support for specialized medical needs
- Mediate and plan major life changes with aging parents
- Ensure Advance Care Directives accurately reflect the patient's desired end of life wishes